Tag: colic
Crack Colic with The Power of Rule of 3
For parents navigating the challenging journey of comforting a colicky baby, understanding the rule of three can be a game-changer. In this article, we’ll explore what the rule of three entails, how it can help ease the discomfort of colic in infants, and practical tips for implementation. Stay tuned to discover how this simple yet […]
Tips for Comforting Colicky & Acid Reflux Babies
Acid reflux takes place when your little one’s belly contents go upward into their oesophagus. Here’s what dad and mom want to recognize about this frequent Newborn digestive problem. Babies frequently spit up after ingesting due to the fact their digestive structures don’t seem to be thoroughly developed. This condition—known as acid reflux or gastroesophageal […]
Does gripe water work on colic pain in infants?
What is Colic Pain? Colic pain is frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in your healthy infant. It is especially painful for parents as their little one’s distress occurs for no obvious reason and no level of consoling can bring any relief to your infant. What causes colic pain in infants? Overfeeding or underfeeding […]
How to use Gripe Water to pacify your little one?
What is Gripewater? As a colic remedy, gripewater is what you can give your little ones when they are having stomach related problems like gas, acidity, indigestion and get fussy. As a mother you get worked up with your toddler and you rush to soothe them through the slightest discomfort. Still, you can recognize that […]
Top 10 tips to soothe your colicky baby
10 ways to soothe Colic in babies Almost every parent goes through this routine sometime in the first few months after their baby is born. Your baby starts to cry incessantly and for no apparent reason. You might go through a mental checklist – Feed – check, Diaper change – check, the room temperature is […]
When Do I Give Gripe Water to My Baby?
Babies tend to suck in air while feeding. The air bubbles get trapped in the stomach and cause gas and stomach discomfort. Most babies get fussy right after feeding due to gulping too much air or swallowing the food too quickly. It is good practice to administer gripe water after 30 mins from the feeding […]
Why And How To Make Your Baby Burp?
As a new parent, you would have been advised to do a number of things for the sake of your baby’s health. These suggestions might have come from your parents, relatives or even friends who have walked down this path of early parenthood. One such suggestion is about burping your baby. But why is it […]
Could Your Food Be The Reason Behind Your Baby’s Colic?
As a mother, you would do everything in your ability to keep your baby happy and healthy. In fact, most of what you do in a day is for the sake of your baby. Now, you might have taken a closer look at your diet during pregnancy. But what moms often forget is that postpartum […]