10 Home remedies for acid reflux in your babies

In babies, gastroesophageal reflux (GER) happens when stomach contents come back up into the esophagus, which can cause regurgitation and spitting up. This condition, commonly known as acid reflux, can be distressing for both babies and parents. While medical consultation is always recommended, there are several home remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux in babies. In this article, we will explore ten effective remedies that you can try to provide relief to your little one.
1. Breastfeed or try a different formula
Breastfeeding (https://woodwards.in/blogs/best-positions-for-breast-feeding/?noamp=mobile#respond) is known to be beneficial for babies with acid reflux. The mother’s milk is easily digestible and less likely to aggravate the condition. If breastfeeding is not an option, consult with your pediatrician to find a suitable formula for your baby. Some formulas are specifically designed for babies with acid reflux and can help reduce symptoms. It’s important to note that switching formulas should always be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Another alternative to consider is hydrolyzed formula. This type of formula contains proteins that are partially broken down, making it easier for babies with acid reflux to digest. Before making any changes to your baby’s feeding routine, seek advice from your pediatrician to determine the best course of action.
2. Keep your baby upright after feeding
One effective way to reduce acid reflux in babies is to keep them upright for at least 30 minutes after each feeding. This position helps prevent stomach contents from flowing back into the esophagus, minimizing the occurrence of reflux. Use a supportive baby seat or hold your baby in an upright position against your chest. Avoid laying your baby flat immediately after a meal, as this can exacerbate reflux symptoms.
Additionally, implementing a slight incline during sleep can also be helpful. Elevating the head of your baby’s crib by placing a rolled-up towel or pillow under the mattress can help keep stomach acid down and promote better sleep.
3. Give frequent but small feedings
Feeding your baby in smaller, more frequent intervals can be an effective strategy to manage acid reflux. Large meals can put additional pressure on the stomach, increasing the likelihood of reflux. By offering smaller feedings more frequently, you can help prevent your baby’s stomach from becoming too full, reducing the chances of regurgitation.
Ensure that each feeding session is calm and relaxed, minimizing distractions and interruptions. This will allow your baby to focus on feeding and aid in digestion. If your baby tends to fall asleep during feedings, try gently stimulating them by rubbing their cheek or changing their position to encourage them to finish the feeding.
4. Burp often
Frequent burping during and after feedings can help relieve the symptoms of acid reflux in babies. Burping helps release excess air from your baby’s stomach, reducing the pressure that can contribute to reflux. To burp your baby effectively, hold them in an upright position against your shoulder or sit them upright on your lap while supporting their neck and head.
Gently pat or rub your baby’s back in an upward motion to stimulate burping. It’s important to be patient, as some babies may take longer to burp than others. If your baby doesn’t burp after a few minutes, resume feeding and try again later. Burping is a simple yet effective technique that can significantly reduce the discomfort caused by acid reflux.
5. Delay playtime after meals
Engaging in active play immediately after meals can increase the likelihood of acid reflux in babies. The movement and jostling can cause stomach contents to flow back into the esophagus, worsening reflux symptoms. To minimize this risk, it’s recommended to delay playtime for at least 30 minutes after each feeding.
During this time, encourage calm and quiet activities that don’t involve vigorous movement. Reading a book, singing lullabies, or gentle rocking can help soothe your baby while allowing their food to settle. By creating a buffer between meals and playtime, you can help reduce the occurrence of acid reflux episodes.
6. Avoid tight diapers and clothing
Tight diapers and clothing can put pressure on your baby’s abdomen, potentially exacerbating acid reflux symptoms. Opt for loose-fitting diapers and clothing that allow your baby’s stomach to expand comfortably. Elastic waistbands and tight bodysuits should be avoided, as they can contribute to increased pressure on the stomach.
Choose clothing made from soft, breathable materials to prevent irritation and discomfort. Avoid dressing your baby in clothes with tight necklines or waistbands that may constrict their movement. By prioritizing comfort and freedom of movement, you can help alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux.
7. Change your diet
If you are breastfeeding, certain foods in your diet can trigger acid reflux in your baby. Common culprits include caffeine, spicy foods, citrus fruits, and tomatoes. Consider keeping a food diary to identify any potential triggers and eliminate them from your diet.
For formula-fed babies, consult with your pediatrician about switching to a hypoallergenic formula. These formulas are specifically designed to minimize potential allergens and irritants that can contribute to acid reflux. Your doctor can provide guidance on the most suitable options for your baby’s specific needs.
8. Thicken your baby’s milk
Thickening your baby’s milk can help reduce the occurrence of acid reflux episodes. Adding a small amount of rice cereal to your baby’s bottle can make the milk thicker, making it more difficult for stomach contents to flow back into the esophagus. It’s important to consult with your pediatrician before attempting this method, as they can provide guidance on the appropriate amount of cereal to add and ensure that your baby’s nutritional needs are being met.
Alternatively, specialized thickening agents can be used to thicken your baby’s milk. These agents are designed to be easily digestible and can be added to both breast milk and formula. Your pediatrician can recommend specific products that are safe and suitable for your baby.
9. Give gripe water – Woodwards gripe water
Gripe water, such as Woodwards gripe water, is a traditional remedy that has been used for generations to soothe colicky babies and alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux. Woodward’s Gripe Water contains the ayurvedic formulation of Dill Seed and Sarjikakshara, which gives a symptomatic relief from colic and other digestive discomfort along with that it reduces gas and bloating.
Before giving gripe water to your baby, always consult with your pediatrician to ensure its safety and appropriateness. Your doctor can provide guidance on the correct dosage and advise if any specific brand is recommended. It’s important to note that gripe water should only be given to babies who are at least one month old.
Dealing with acid reflux in babies can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can help alleviate your little one’s discomfort. Breastfeeding or trying a different formula, keeping your baby upright after feeding, giving frequent but small feedings, burping often, delaying playtime after meals, avoiding tight diapers and clothing, changing your diet, thickening your baby’s milk, and giving gripe water like Woodwards gripe water are all effective home remedies to consider. Always consult with your pediatrician before implementing any changes to your baby’s routine to ensure their safety and well-being. With patience and care, you can help your baby find relief from acid reflux and promote their overall health and happiness.