Benefits of Woodward’s Gripe Water


As a new mom you see your baby crying and your first instinct is to change the diapers, maybe cover the baby well they don’t feel cold or even feed sometimes. But if the baby continues to cry despite all these, then it is most probably Colic. Baby crying wrenches your heart. But you cannot […]

Does Woodward’s Gripe Water Have Any Side Effects?

woodwards gripe water side effects

Woodward’s Gripe Water is an ayurvedic formulation that offers symptomatic relief to babies who suffer from colic, indigestion, teething and general fussiness. Woodward’s Gripe Water has been around for over 170 years now in India.   Generations of mothers vouch for its quick action in providing relief to babies suffering from colic related problems and they […]

Is Gripe Water Baby-friendly and When to Use Gripe Water?

Gripe water has been safely given to babies by generations of mothers and their mothers to treat baby stomach troubles. However, recently some safety issues concerning administering gripe water has been raised by some young mothers, who are shying away from the practice that the older generations of our family members insisted on giving to […]

How To Treat Newborn Constipation?

newborn constipation

Constipation in Newborn Every mom has to deal with difficult moments when it comes to taking care of their little one. One such moment is when at home, and you notice your baby constipated for the very first time. What can be done when your baby is not old enough to eat solid foods and […]

When Do I Give Gripe Water to My Baby?

Babies tend to suck in air while feeding. The air bubbles get trapped in the stomach and cause gas and stomach discomfort. Most babies get fussy right after feeding due to gulping too much air or swallowing the food too quickly. It is good practice to administer gripe water after 30 mins from the feeding […]

5 Ways To Make Your Little Baby Laugh

Every parent loves seeing their child smile and laugh. The sound of their cooing laughter and the sight of their adorable smile is enough to make your day. It makes your heart warm up and that is why you would do anything to make them smile. But what is it that can really make your baby […]

Why And How To Make Your Baby Burp?

As a new parent, you would have been advised to do a number of things for the sake of your baby’s health. These suggestions might have come from your parents, relatives or even friends who have walked down this path of early parenthood. One such suggestion is about burping your baby. But why is it […]

Top 5 Secrets To Your Baby’s Happiness

Seeing your baby’s adorable, happy little face makes you feel over the moon with joy. These 5 secrets will keep your little one hale and happy!  More cuddle time  Keep tummy troubles away  Feed them before they get too hungry  Happy parents = happy baby  Peaceful and comfortable environment before bedtime  Keeping your baby happy […]

Here Are Some Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep Better

Your baby’s sleep schedule may be one of the things you struggle to figure out. Sleepless nights and irregular nap times are part and parcel of every new parent’s journey initially. Newborn babies have not yet developed a circadian rhythm, the biological rhythm that helps them adapt their sleeping and waking, eating and other schedules. […]

Track Your Child’s Milestones: Signs of Normal Development In Babies

As a new parent, it’s normal for you to find yourself constantly watching your little one and checking constantly whether he is eating, sleeping and playing normally, so that you can always ensure that he is in good health. So you may also wonder if your child is growing at the right pace, and whether […]

Hacks to Treat Colic in Babies Best Foods For Breastfeeding Moms