Track Your Child’s Milestones: Signs of Normal Development In Babies

As a new parent, it’s normal for you to find yourself constantly watching your little one and checking constantly whether he is eating, sleeping and playing normally, so that you can always ensure that he is in good health. So you may also wonder if your child is growing at the right pace, and whether everything with his development and the milestones is on track. It’s important to know how to identify if your baby is growing normally.
So we made a guide with a few pointers for you:
Motor Development
Motor development refers to the physical abilities of your baby. This includes gross motor skills like rolling, crawling and walking, as well as fine motor skills like grasping objects, holding things with just two fingers, etc.
Courtesy: Pathways Org AAP Standards
At your doctor’s appointments, the doctor will also take measurements like weight, height, head circumference and waist measurements.
Sometimes, your baby might take slightly longer to cross a milestone, but it’s important to remember that every baby is different. Raise a concern with your pediatrician if you feel your baby is inactive or growing too slowly.
Emotional and Social Development
Your baby also grows mentally, which has an affect on the way he handles emotions and interacts with other people in his environment. Here are some things to observe and watch closely:
Watch Your Baby’s Eyes: Your baby’s eyes can signal to your baby’s nervous system development and brain development.
- Observe your baby’s eyes crossing. This is normal before the age of 4 months, but if you notice it beyond this age, take your baby to a pediatrician or pediatric ophthalmologist (eye doctor).
- Watch whether your baby follows movements – of you as you speak and walk around, as well as objects that you hold in front of them. Does your baby try to reach for objects?
Observe how your baby reacts to other people: Make regular eye contact with your baby. Smile and speak to him even if he is too young to start speaking. Watch how your baby smiles, babbles and tries to communicate with you or other people.
Stimulate your baby: Keep your baby’s mind alert and active – one way to do so can be pointing to objects and naming them as you encounter them. Reading to your baby and presenting interactive toys are also ways to keep your baby engaged.
The first year is a very eventful one, filled with small and huge milestones. Your baby will be simultaneously growing physically, mentally and socially. Don’t panic if your baby seems slower or delayed in his growth. Every baby grows at a different pace. Trust your instincts – don’t be worried about raising an alarm with your doctor in case you are worried about any aspect of your baby’s growth.