How To Treat Newborn Constipation?

Constipation in Newborn
Every mom has to deal with difficult moments when it comes to taking care of their little one. One such moment is when at home, and you notice your baby constipated for the very first time. What can be done when your baby is not old enough to eat solid foods and yet is suffering from newborn constipation?
Causes of newborn constipation:
When babies get constipated, the right number of bowel movements does not take place, which is for babies upwards of three times a day. Newborn constipation occurs when newborns experience painful bowel movements that can be a large stool or small, drop-like stool, often dehydrated and hard.
It is important to understand the reason your baby is crying so that you can do the best to help them. Some babies can get constipated from trying new foods. Some methods include changing the diet, using natural supplements or various therapies. They may experience some pain when trying to pass stool.
When does your baby suffer from constipation, and What can be done about it?
Babies have to pass stool at least three times a day to get rid of waste. Infants suffering from constipation find the experience quite painful. If you find any changes in the feeding pattern, you’ll know that the rhythm changed. Babies suffer from constipation during weaning, this is when they are gradually introduced to solid foods. If the baby has constipation right after a feeding, it is an indicator that the new food is the cause of constipation, as the digestive tract cannot push through the stool.
Some signs to be sure you have a constipated toddler:
Since your baby cannot tell you when they are feeling constipated, trying to figure it out is a guessing game. So, we have to go through as much evidence as we can to determine if constipation is truly the problem. A crying baby is an indication of constipation, as babies go through pain when constipated. Some sure-fire signs that indicate infant constipation:
● Loss of appetite
● Stomach discomfort
● Inconsistent stool hard, large or thin, drop-like
● Pain when passing stool
● Frequent soiling
Newborn constipation remedies:
In many cases, babies are constipated when adjusting to a new diet. And it is only a matter of time before their digestive tracts develop to handle solid food or formula. But, you can try various remedies, which are safe, and helps ease constipation safely while providing your baby with the much-needed relief. Here are some home remedies for newborn constipation.
Foods that ease constipation:
Babies can be introduced to solid foods at six months of age. For babies, over six months of age, suffering from constipation, they need to consume enough fiber from fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Make sure the baby gets plenty of water and diluted fruit juices. Feed the baby with the same foods for several weeks before introducing another food, in that way, you can pinpoint if the problem causing constipation, is the food. If the baby is constipated because of the food, wait till the constipation is over, and feed the baby smaller amounts of the same food. Your baby may suffer from constipation if they are given too much milk and not enough solid foods.
Massage Therapy:
Massage your baby, giving your babies a massage can strengthen your bond and significantly reduce their constipation, stomach discomfort, gas and bloating.
Gently moving your baby’s legs in a bicycle motion will help the stool move along the stomach and intestines more easily. Watch for signs from your baby as they allow you to know it feels good by letting out a smile.
Ayurvedic Solutions:
Ease the constipation in babies with gripe water. Infant colic solutions like Woodward’s gripe water can help your baby move things along safely and gently. It is an effective product for babies that can help relieve colic and gas caused due to indigestion. Straining causes pain, gripe water helps your baby relax, so that passing stool becomes easier, relieving the pain so that your baby can have regular bowel movements. Woodward’s can be given up to 3 times each day, for best results, it is not recommended to mix Woodward’s Gripe Water with any other formula or breast milk.