Best Positions for Breast Feeding

Best Positions for Breast Feeding

One of the dilemmas a new mom faces is finding the right position to feed the baby. This is also a little tricky because, the baby should feel comfortable and so should the mom as she needs to be in that position for a reasonably long time. One of the biggest after effects of breastfeeding, […]

Top 10 tips to soothe your colicky baby

Top 10 tips to soothe your colicky baby

10 ways to soothe Colic in babies Almost every parent goes through this routine sometime in the first few months after their baby is born. Your baby starts to cry incessantly and for no apparent reason. You might go through a mental checklist – Feed – check, Diaper change – check, the room temperature is […]

Benefits of Woodward’s Gripe Water


As a new mom you see your baby crying and your first instinct is to change the diapers, maybe cover the baby well they don’t feel cold or even feed sometimes. But if the baby continues to cry despite all these, then it is most probably Colic. Baby crying wrenches your heart. But you cannot […]

Top 5 Secrets To Your Baby’s Happiness

Seeing your baby’s adorable, happy little face makes you feel over the moon with joy. These 5 secrets will keep your little one hale and happy!  More cuddle time  Keep tummy troubles away  Feed them before they get too hungry  Happy parents = happy baby  Peaceful and comfortable environment before bedtime  Keeping your baby happy […]

Here Are Some Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep Better

Your baby’s sleep schedule may be one of the things you struggle to figure out. Sleepless nights and irregular nap times are part and parcel of every new parent’s journey initially. Newborn babies have not yet developed a circadian rhythm, the biological rhythm that helps them adapt their sleeping and waking, eating and other schedules. […]

Track Your Child’s Milestones: Signs of Normal Development In Babies

As a new parent, it’s normal for you to find yourself constantly watching your little one and checking constantly whether he is eating, sleeping and playing normally, so that you can always ensure that he is in good health. So you may also wonder if your child is growing at the right pace, and whether […]

Is Woodward’s Gripe Water Safe For Your Infant?

Is Woodward’s Gripe Water Safe For Your Infant

Gripe water is every grandma’s favourite go-to option when babies cry. In fact, for generations mothers have been relying on gripe water to soothe their little ones when they cry bitterly. For those of you who don’t know about gripe water, it is a water-based dietary supplement given to babies to soothe colic, teeth pain, […]

Hacks to Treat Colic in Babies Best Foods For Breastfeeding Moms