Tag: woodwards gripe water side effects
Is Woodward’s Gripe Water Safe for babies?
One can understand the question and its earnestness? You have newborn baby. And it cries incessantly sometimes. And you feel helpless because sometimes it is too late to even ask for help from anyone leave alone a Doctor. And you feel responsible for the baby and your heart breaks because it cries. You have heard […]
How to use Gripe Water to pacify your little one?
What is Gripewater? As a colic remedy, gripewater is what you can give your little ones when they are having stomach related problems like gas, acidity, indigestion and get fussy. As a mother you get worked up with your toddler and you rush to soothe them through the slightest discomfort. Still, you can recognize that […]
Does Woodward’s Gripe Water Have Any Side Effects?
Woodward’s Gripe Water is an ayurvedic formulation that offers symptomatic relief to babies who suffer from colic, indigestion, teething and general fussiness. Woodward’s Gripe Water has been around for over 170 years now in India. Generations of mothers vouch for its quick action in providing relief to babies suffering from colic related problems and they […]