Crack Colic with The Power of Rule of 3

Crack Colic with The Power of Rule of 3

For parents navigating the challenging journey of comforting a colicky baby, understanding the rule of three can be a game-changer. In this article, we’ll explore what the rule of three entails, how it can help ease the discomfort of colic in infants, and practical tips for implementation. Stay tuned to discover how this simple yet […]

Bloating in Babies: Signs and Prevention Tips

Bloating in Babies_ Signs and Prevention Tips

Bloating can be uncomfortable for babies, and it’s just as distressing for the mothers. If your little one seems fussy, gassy, or uncomfortable after feeding, it might be due to bloating. But how do you know if your baby is experiencing bloating? And more importantly, what can you do to prevent it? In this article, […]

Knowing the Bowel Movement of Your Baby

Knowing the Bowel Movement of Your Baby

As a new parent, you might be surprised by how much you think about your baby’s poop. You may wonder if the color, texture, and frequency of their bowel movements are normal or a sign of a problem. In this blog, we will answer some common questions about baby poop and share some tips on […]

Why do babies cry? The reasons and their solutions.

Why do babies cry? The reasons and their solutions.

As a new parent, you may face many challenges and joys in your parenthood journey. One of the most common and difficult challenges is dealing with your baby’s crying. When your baby cries, you may feel anxious, helpless, or guilty, and wonder what they need or what you are doing wrong. Don’t worry, you are […]

What signs indicate that my baby is full, and how can I prevent overfeeding

What signs indicate that my baby is full, and how can I prevent overfeeding?

Are you a new parent navigating the challenge of gauging your baby’s fullness during feedings? Concerned about the possibility of overfeeding? We understand the uncertainties you may face, and that’s why we’re here to offer guidance. In this article, we’ll walk you through the signs indicating your baby is full and share tips on preventing […]

Tips to improve your baby’s digestive health

Tips to improve your baby’s digestive health

The condition of your child’s digestive system affects how they feel inside. It is important that you address your child’s health concerns if you notice that they have any ailments or digestive problems, as an upset stomach can lead to significant health problems. It is also important to stimulate your child’s digestive tract to avoid […]

How to protect your little one’s from germs?

How to protect your little ones from germs

Babies get sick more often because their immune systems are not yet fully developed. Therefore, as parents, you must take the necessary precautions and protect your little ones from infectious agents. Understanding your newborn immune system: Babies are like fortresses with few guards inside. Thier skin and the mucous membranes of their mouth and nose […]

Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding – Is formula milk as good as breast milk?

Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding – Is formula milk as good as breast milk?

    New moms must make a big decision between breastfeeding or formula feeding for their little one. Many health specialists prefer breastfeeding over formula feeding as your baby will get the maximum nutrients. However, women with prevailing illness such as heart disease, or a rare condition known as Hypoplasia that results in not being […]

Is Woodward’s Gripe Water Safe for babies?

Woodward's Gripe Water Safe for babies

One can understand the question and its earnestness? You have newborn baby. And it cries incessantly sometimes. And you feel helpless because sometimes it is too late to even ask for help from anyone leave alone a Doctor. And you feel responsible for the baby and your heart breaks because it cries. You have heard […]

Tips for Comforting Colicky & Acid Reflux Babies

Few Tips for Comforting Colicky & Acid Reflux Babies

Acid reflux takes place when your little one’s belly contents go upward into their oesophagus. Here’s what dad and mom want to recognize about this frequent Newborn digestive problem. Babies frequently spit up after ingesting due to the fact their digestive structures don’t seem to be thoroughly developed. This condition—known as acid reflux or gastroesophageal […]

Hacks to Treat Colic in Babies Best Foods For Breastfeeding Moms