Knowing the Bowel Movement of Your Baby

As a new parent, you might be surprised by how much you think about your baby’s poop. You may wonder if the color, texture, and frequency of their bowel movements are normal or a sign of a problem. In this blog, we will answer some common questions about baby poop and share some tips on how to deal with different types of poops.
What is the normal bowel movement in babies?
There is no one right answer to this question, as every baby is different, and their poop can vary depending on their age, diet, and health. However, some general guidelines are:
- For the first few days after birth, your baby will pass meconium, a sticky, black substance that is made up of amniotic fluid, mucus, and skin cells. This is normal and not a cause for concern.
- After day five, the average breastfed newborn will have about five dirty diapers a day, though anywhere around several per day is usually normal. Formula-fed babies may have fewer bowel movements, but they should still have at least one a day. Breastfed babies tend to have softer, waterier poop than formula-fed babies, who may have firmer, more formed poop.
- As your baby grows and starts to eat solid foods, their poop will change in color, texture, and smell. It may become more brown, green, or yellow, and have bits of food in it. This is also normal and shows that your baby is digesting well.
What are the colors of the bowel movement?
The color of your baby’s poop can vary depending on what they eat, how much bile (a fluid that helps with digestion) they produce, and how fast their poop moves through their intestines. Some common colors are:
- Yellow: This is the most common color for breastfed babies, as breast milk contains a lot of fat and nutrients that make the poop yellow. It may also be seedy or curdy, which is normal and not a sign of infection.
- Green: This can be caused by several factors, such as eating green vegetables, having an imbalance of foremilk and hindmilk (the first and last parts of breast milk), or having a stomach bug. Green poop is usually not a problem, unless it is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, or diarrhea.
- Brown: This is the most common color for formula-fed babies, as formula contains iron and other ingredients that make the poop brown. It may also be caused by eating solid foods that are brown, such as cereal, meat, or chocolate. Brown poop is usually normal and not a sign of illness.
- Orange: This can be caused by eating foods that are orange, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, or squash. It can also be a sign of mild dehydration, as the poop becomes more concentrated and less watery. Orange poop is usually harmless, but you should make sure your baby is drinking enough fluids.
- Other colors: Sometimes, your baby’s poop may have other colors, such as red, black, or white. These can be caused by certain medicines, beets, food colorings, or blood. If you see these colors in your baby’s poop, you should consult your pediatrician, as they may indicate an allergy, infection, or other problem.
When to worry about your baby’s poop?
Most of the time, your baby’s poop is not a cause for alarm, as it reflects their diet and development. However, there are some signs that you should watch out for, such as:
- Poop that stays chalky white. It may mean their liver isn’t making enough bile to digest the food. This can be a sign of a serious liver problem, such as biliary atresia or hepatitis.
- Poop that is tarry black. There may be blood in their digestive tract that has turned dark as it traveled through the intestines. This can be a sign of a bleeding ulcer, a swallowed foreign object, or a rare condition called meconium ileus.
- Bright red blood in their poop. Red poop can also be caused by certain medicines, beets, and food colorings. But the pediatrician can test your baby’s poop to see if it has blood. This could be a sign of an allergy, infection, or injury to the anus or rectum.
- Mucus-filled poop. Poop that is filled with mucus or water can also be a sign of an allergic reaction or infection. It can also indicate inflammation or irritation of the intestines, such as in inflammatory bowel disease or cystic fibrosis.
- Poop that is runny. If this type of poop goes on for a long time, it could lead to dehydration, which can be dangerous for babies. It can also be a sign of diarrhea, which can be caused by a virus, bacteria, parasite, or food intolerance.
- Hard poop. Solid, hard poop means your baby is probably constipated. This can be caused by not drinking enough fluids, eating too much dairy or rice, or having a low-fiber diet. It can also be a sign of lactose intolerance, hypothyroidism, or Hirschsprung’s disease.
Remedies for different bowel movements
If your baby has any of the above problems with their poop, you should consult your pediatrician for advice and treatment. However, there are some things you can do at home to help your baby have healthy and regular bowel movements, such as:
- Keep your little ones hydrated. Water is essential for digestion and preventing constipation and dehydration. You can offer your baby water in a bottle or a cup or breastfeed them more often. You can also give them fruit juices, such as apple, pear, or prune, which can help soften the stool and stimulate the bowel.
- Change the diapers frequently. Wet or dirty diapers can irritate your baby’s skin andb cause rashes or infections. You should change your baby’s diaper as soon as possible after they poop and use gentle wipes or warm water to clean their bottom. You can also apply a barrier cream or ointment to protect their skin and prevent chafing.
- Give some Woodward’s Gripe Water. Woodward’s Gripe Water is a natural remedy that can help ease your baby’s stomach and promote healthy digestion. It contains dill oil, which relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract and helps release trapped gas. It also contains sodium bicarbonate, which neutralizes excess acid and soothes the stomach. Woodward’s Gripe Water is safe and effective for newborns and babies, and can help relieve stomach discomfort, make it easier for babies to pass gas, possibly battle constipation and encourage bowel movements and even potentially soothe colic (or excessive crying).
Your baby’s poop can tell you a lot about their health and well-being. By paying attention to the color, texture, and frequency of their bowel movements, you can spot any potential problems and seek medical help if needed. You can also help your baby have healthy and regular bowel movements by keeping them hydrated, changing their diapers frequently, and giving them some Woodward’s Gripe Water. With these tips, you can ensure that your baby is happy and comfortable and enjoy the joys of parenthood.