Is Woodward’s Gripe Water Safe for babies?

Woodward's Gripe Water Safe for babies

One can understand the question and its earnestness? You have newborn baby. And it cries incessantly sometimes. And you feel helpless because sometimes it is too late to even ask for help from anyone leave alone a Doctor. And you feel responsible for the baby and your heart breaks because it cries. You have heard […]

Tips for Comforting Colicky & Acid Reflux Babies

Few Tips for Comforting Colicky & Acid Reflux Babies

Acid reflux takes place when your little one’s belly contents go upward into their oesophagus. Here’s what dad and mom want to recognize about this frequent Newborn digestive problem. Babies frequently spit up after ingesting due to the fact their digestive structures don’t seem to be thoroughly developed. This condition—known as acid reflux or gastroesophageal […]

Does gripe water work on colic pain in infants?

Does gripe water works on baby colic problems

What is Colic Pain? Colic pain is frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in your healthy infant. It is especially painful for parents as their little one’s distress occurs for no obvious reason and no level of consoling can bring any relief to your infant. What causes colic pain in infants? Overfeeding or underfeeding […]

Why I simply trust Woodwards to keep my baby happy & not cry?

Why I simply trust Woodwards to keep my baby happy & not cry?

Hi Everyone let me introduce Woodward’s Gripe water.  This is an Ayurvedic formulation with a combination of Dill oil and Sarjikakshara that provides symptomatic relief – from stomach pain caused due to gas, acidity, and indigestion in infants and children. It is absolutely safe for kids. I have been using it for baby for the last 1 […]

Best Positions for Breast Feeding

Best Positions for Breast Feeding

One of the dilemmas a new mom faces is finding the right position to feed the baby. This is also a little tricky because, the baby should feel comfortable and so should the mom as she needs to be in that position for a reasonably long time. One of the biggest after effects of breastfeeding, […]

Benefits of Woodward’s Gripe Water


As a new mom you see your baby crying and your first instinct is to change the diapers, maybe cover the baby well they don’t feel cold or even feed sometimes. But if the baby continues to cry despite all these, then it is most probably Colic. Baby crying wrenches your heart. But you cannot […]

Does Woodward’s Gripe Water Have Any Side Effects?

woodwards gripe water side effects

Woodward’s Gripe Water is an ayurvedic formulation that offers symptomatic relief to babies who suffer from colic, indigestion, teething and general fussiness. Woodward’s Gripe Water has been around for over 170 years now in India.   Generations of mothers vouch for its quick action in providing relief to babies suffering from colic related problems and they […]

Is Woodward’s Gripe Water Safe For Your Infant?

Is Woodward’s Gripe Water Safe For Your Infant

Gripe water is every grandma’s favourite go-to option when babies cry. In fact, for generations mothers have been relying on gripe water to soothe their little ones when they cry bitterly. For those of you who don’t know about gripe water, it is a water-based dietary supplement given to babies to soothe colic, teeth pain, […]

Hacks to Treat Colic in Babies Best Foods For Breastfeeding Moms